Creation (Genesis 1-3)
Creation, Acrylic on table, 45' x 24'
Starting at the left, the hand of God is shown in the act of creation. Out of His hand swirls the sun, moon, and stars, as well as grape vine which suggests all plant life, or more specifically, the Garden of Eden. The flesh colored line of man can also be seen spiraling from God's palm. A hand quickly forms out of this line, echoing the hand of God, signifying we are made in His image. The line soon morphs into a human figure representing Adam. Adam's hand is seen holding a bundle of grapes indicating his original job of tending to the Garden of Eden. Adam's rib can be seen protruding from his chest as another line spirals away from it and becomes the female figure of Eve. The grape blossom in front of Eve suggests the female's ability to give birth. Eve is holding the ever iconic apple while a snake is coiling around her. The snake's tail also curls around Adam's hand to imply that Satan deceived them both. About two thirds of the way across the composition the vines come to an end, while the human lines continue on, representing man's expulsion from Eden.
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