
At the far left the Jesus line is first seen branching out of the God line in the form of a hand making the classic sign of blessing. There is also the figure in the top left corner holding a staff. The staff is classic Christian iconography symbolizing John the Baptist, who is shown pouring water into the palm of the Jesus line. This depicts the baptism of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is shown descending in the form of a dove. The John the Baptist line “prepares the way” as it twists around the Jesus line towards the bottom of the composition. The Jesus line goes on to perform a series of miracles that begin with healing the leg of a crippled man who is shown dropping his crutch. A leprous hand suddenly becomes clean after a single touch from the Jesus line. And finally a blind person is made to see through faith in Jesus. Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem is suggested as the line passes through a few palm leaves. The line then goes on to encounter the betrayal of Judas as he reaches for his sack of 30 silver pieces. This leads to His arrest (shackles), public flogging, crucifixion, and eventual death. It is worth noting the leprous hand that gets healed and praises Jesus on Palm Sunday goes on to eventually commit violence against Jesus. This suggests man's freewill and the unfortunate decision of many to deny God in the face of undisputable evidence.
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